The Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) is meeting on the budget for a second day.
Thursday, March 28, key votes:
Old Greenwich School Renovation. The budgeted amount of $43 million passed and the project will proceed. However, an amendment to add $1.26 million in additional funding to cover cost increases (e.g. industrial hygienist) was voted down.
Wednesday March 27, key votes:
The Glenville Corridor Improvement Project of $2.87 million was unanimously added and approved.
The Sidewalks to Tods feasibility study of $200,000 was approved with the condition that $125,000 would only be released once the BET reviews and approves the survey results with enough detail for Public Works to proceed with the next phase of the project and requiring at least 2 public hearings. This project will not go to Tod's point entrance but will stop at Tod's Driftway.
A replay of the meeting is here: GCTV YouTube Channel.