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What will replace your Teflon non-stick pans

Non stick cookware coated with PFAS (poly fluoronatic alkyl substances) known as forever chemicals linger in the environment and cause health problems. PFAS are also found in stain resistant carpets, household cleaners, cosmetics and many other products, such as tampons, dental floss, and bottled water.

This Patch article has 12 good tips for consumers to avoid these forever chemicals. Most importantly, read the label. If a product says "water proof", "stain repellent" or "dirt repellent", look for mention of PFOA, PFOS, PTFE or Perfluor on the label.

Beginning in 2028, tightened regulations and disclosure on PFAS chemicals used in household products passed by unanimous vote of the CT General Assembly. Governor Lamont agreed with the bill, but expressed misgivings about banning popular household products such as Teflon, without a waiver process in pace to give companies time to provide suitable alternatives.

For Teflon pans, try reducing the heat or replacing them with stainless steel or cast iron. Yes, these alternatives are harder to clean.

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