First Selectman Fred Camillo has announced the formation of The Greenwich Anti-Semitism and Anti-Hate Task Force. The committee will start by developing a phone and web-reporting system.
No one is sure (1) what hate crimes have prompted the set up of this task force, (2) how members of the task force were identified and selected, (3) if a hate crime is reported does this report stay permanently in a citizen's record, (4) is there continuing tracking of the target of the complaint without redress, and (5) who will define "hate" speech.
The 14-Member Task Force has at least 2 Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI) representatives and many Democrat members:
Fred Camillo, R, First Selectman
Margaret Hazlett, U, Headmistress, Greenwich Academy
Rabbi Mitchell Hurvitz, Temple Sholom
Scott Kalb, D, Greenwich Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) Member
Miriam Kreuzer, D, Greenwich RTM Member
Becca Levine, D, Task Force Co-Chair, Greenwich Resident
Ralph Mayo, Principal, Greenwich High School
Kamele McLaren, D, Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Greenwich Academy
Adam Rohdie, U, Headmaster, Greenwich Country Day School
Meryl Sole, R, Task Force Co-Chair, Greenwich Resident
Rebecca Steck, Head of School, Greenwich Catholic School
Alecia Thomas, Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Brunswick School
Reverend Marek Zabriskie, D, Rector, Christ Church
Mark Zuccerella, U, Deputy Chief, Greenwich Police Department
The stated intention of the task force is to "bring the community together". However, the creation of this Task Force seems like a slippery slope into neighbor reporting against neighbor. This may be ok for China, but let's think carefully about doing this in Greenwich.